Xin Qiu
Sr. Director, CommScope Security Solutions

Xin Qiu
Sr. Director, CommScope Security Solutions
Dr. Xin Qiu, with over 25 years of experience in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and device security, serves as Sr. Director at CommScope PKI Center. Leading a diverse team in product marketing, R&D, secure operations, she collaborates with global device manufacturers and network operators. With a portfolio of 80+ patents, Dr. Qiu is recognized as the mastermind behind the success of CommScope’s PKI and security service offerings for large-scale customer-focused deliverables and deployments. She was appointed as a Motorola Science Advisory Board Associate for her creative and innovative technical contributions in enabling cryptographic techniques and PKI for millions of devices. Her patent for the DFAST cryptographic technology was widely adopted and utilized in the CableCard Copy Protection standard, playing a key role in combating piracy within the cable industry. Furthermore, she was one of the primary designers for the security of the Emmy-award-winning MediaCipher Conditional Access System.